Every festival is a cultural feast.

□ Qin Yanan

Festivals are a kind of folk culture created by people all over the world to meet the needs of production and life, and are an important part of the world folk culture. Every traditional festival in China has poems to sing and recite. Festival poetry is an expression of China traditional literati’s poetic life. At the age of 20, the season triggered the poet’s emotional gate, and put reason into poetry, expressing feelings through poetry.

Without culture, it seems that there is only food in the festival. Dragon Boat Festival, eat zongzi; Mid-Autumn Festival, eat moon cakes; Lantern Festival, eating Lantern Festival … With culture, the Dragon Boat Festival has the patriotic spirit of "racing for a thousand years, and the loyal soul can be returned when it is gone" (Northern Song Dynasty Zhang Lei’s "Dragon Boat Festival"); The Mid-Autumn Festival has a love blessing of "I wish people a long time and a thousand miles together" (Su Shi’s Mid-Autumn Festival by Bingchen); On the Lantern Festival, there will be the prosperity of "Thousands of doors unlock and thousands of lights shine, and in the middle of the first month, the Imperial Capital will be moved" (Tang Zhang’s "Night Lights on the 15th of the First Month") … China Festival, accompanied by China’s poems, is full of 5,000 years of civilization.

Chen Shuqian, a master tutor and scholar in the College of Literature of Heilongjiang University who is committed to promoting China’s excellent traditional culture, in his new book "Poetry Feast in Festivals", takes China’s traditional festivals as the classics and ancient classical poems as the latitude, rambles about the vicissitudes of ancient and modern personnel, allowing readers to follow the gentle and graceful trajectory of classical poems, walk into the gardens of China’s traditional culture, and feel the smell of fireworks and the beauty of prosperity in China’s traditional festivals.

As a compilation of ancient poems of traditional festivals in China, the book is arranged in the chronological order of 16 traditional festivals, including Yuanri, Renri, Yuanxiao, beginning of spring, Huachao, Shangsi, Cold Food, Qingming, Dragon Boat Festival, Tanabata, Zhongyuan, Mid-Autumn Festival, Chongyang, Winter Solstice, Laba and New Year’s Eve, and selects 276 famous works that can reflect distinctive holiday characteristics from the Book of Songs to the Qing Dynasty for more than two thousand years. The lyrics of poems under each festival are arranged in the order of four-character, five-character, seven-character poems, words and songs. In the content, it is divided into comments (or explanations), notes and comments, and related links are noted in chronological order, telling the origin, implication, development and changes of festivals, the festival customs from the Imperial Palace to the market, and the development and changes of customs in different dynasties, which is of great ideological, artistic and inheritance.

Traditional festivals are precious legacies left by ancestors. Each festival has mysterious legends and specific customs, and each festival has been endowed with unique emotional memories and profound cultural connotations by poets. For example, in the Yuan Dynasty, which originated from the Han Dynasty, there were customs such as eating rice cakes, pasting peach symbols and setting off firecrackers. In the Northern Song Dynasty, Wang Anshi’s "Thousands of families always change new peaches for old symbols" made thousands of families happy for the Spring Festival. For example, it is said that there are customs such as cutting ribbons and making smoked cakes on Nu Wa’s creation day. Xue Daoheng, a poet in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, wrote that "after a person falls into a wild goose, he thinks before a flower", which makes the wanderer’s infinite melancholy of homesickness come to life … From traditional festivals, he excavates relevant folk allusions, captures folk customs and seasonal elegance, shares the true lifestyle, and writes the wisdom and beauty of festival cultural inheritance, which not only entrusts the cultural feelings of the descendants of the Chinese people, but also epitomizes the mature civilization of a nation.

Ordinary secular life, with lively festivals, constitutes a complete life time for ordinary people in China, which makes life extraordinary because it is full of expectation and pleasure. For example, "beginning of spring whips cattle", "Spring outing in Qingming Festival", "Laba gives porridge" and "Winter Solstice Worship", etc., festivals are covered with bright coats, which show a touch of novelty in the dull and boring life. "Under the guidance of generations of China people, they show harmonious and harmonious aesthetic taste, the philosophy of harmony between man and nature, and the balance of yin and yang", which edifies people’s diet, manners and customs. "Life is dying with the years, and the body is forgotten; No complex Tu Su Meng, burning the lamp night is still young "(Wen Tianxiang’s" Except Night "). Facing the last New Year’s Eve of life, the poet is fearless, and only wants to get together with his family to make a toast. This kind of "fragility" which is sprouted because of family ties is even more gentle and majestic … Festival poems, life scrolls, and deep feelings not only reflect the meaning of "civilization stops and turns into the world", but also infiltrate the muscles and bones of the Chinese nation.

Every festival is a cultural feast. This book not only allows us to find a way out in the feast of festival culture, but also finds a way out in protecting the ecological environment of folk culture.